Templates - The secret to fast easy and simple social media growth
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A new feature to grow on social media faster and easier

If you always ask yourself “How to grow on social media?” or “How to grow followers on social media?”, well we are here to help exactly with that!

That’s why we have created this tool and today we have just released a new amazing feature “Templates”, to help you grow on every social network, like x, linkedin, youtube, instagram and tiktok, we also hope to reach more socials

And we hope that you put this tools as one of the best ai tools to grow your social media followers

What are templates?

Templates are structures that allow you to generate new drafts in a simple end easy way using the power of Ai and dynamic fields, here is an example of a template that we can create on the template page after login

((Start with motivation hook, max 20 words))

((Write something clear, motivational, straight to the point))


Are you interested to grow your social media following faster?

DM me and we can talk about it

The double parentheses are a way to define a dynamic field where the content inside will be replaced by the requested content by Ai, while the normal text remains as it is

After creating the template, we can go in the create post page and select our template, then we press generate we will get something like this

Dream big, hustle hard – your goals are within reach!  

Success isn't reserved for the lucky few; 
it's for those who dare to chase it relentlessly. 
Stay focused, keep pushing, and remember: 
the only limit is the one you set for yourself.


Are you interested to grow your social media following faster?

DM me and we can talk about it

We have just generated a draft in less than 5 seconds. Ai is not here to replace you but to help you, work faster better.

Now it’s your turn to improve this content and schedule it or publish it directly.

If you want another one, just press generate again!

Grow leveraging other content creators templates

You have read it right, why you have to create your own templates if you can learn from people that already cracked the social media growth algorithm and extracted all the stuff that we need to grow faster.

Let’s take as example what Matt Gray said in his Youtube video “How I Gained 468K LinkedIn Followers (and Make $1.1M/Month)”

If you don’t know who Matt is, Matt Gray has grown his LinkedIn in a really short time to more than 600k using systems!

In that video he said that in 60% of his posts he used two magic words in his hooks, and are “I” or “I’ve”.

Well we can automate this by simply creating a template, but first let me tell you this, since templates will be given to the Ai to generate a draft for us, we can use some magic structures for dynamic content, by using double parentheses.

Like this template

((Start this hook by a verb))

I'll give you a list of 5 ways to do it


Will be transformed in something like this:

Impressing people it's an essential thing

I'll give you a list of 5 ways to do it


So by following how Matt Gray structures some of his posts we can do

((Use "I" or "I've" and a powerful statement or claim with a time frame, comparison, or achievement))

Here are ((number)) steps to ((achievable goal or action related to your topic)):

((Continue with the content))
Try it now!
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